31 Марта 2025 г. Нечетная неделя

Civil, Industrial and Urban Construction - 2025

On April 2, 2025, the Institute of Civil Engineering of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University is holding an International scientific conference "Civil, Industrial and Urban Construction - 2025". The conference will be held in a mixed format (with the possibility of remote connection).

The working language of the conference is Russian and English. Leading scientists, designers and materials manufacturers from Russia, Republic of Belarus, China, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Cuba, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Mali, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Niger, Algeria, Sri Lanka and etc. are invited to the conference.

Conference program

The following topics are planned to be considered during the conference:

  • Industrial and civil engineering;
  • Design and construction of roads, subways, airfields, bridges and transport tunnels;
  • Hydrotechnical construction. Hydraulics and Еngineering Нydrology;
  • Building constructions and materials;
  • Heat supply, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and lighting, building thermal physics;
  • Water supply, sewerage, systems of water resources protection;
  • Infrastructure construction;
  • Technology and organization of construction;
  • Urban planning, planning of rural settlements;
  • Engineering geometry and computer graphics;
  • Industrial ecology;
  • Power plants based on renewable energy.

Scientific articles (on Russian or English) are designed according to the IMRAD requirements should be sent by e-mail ice.nauka@spbstu.rubefore March 15, 2025. Each article will undergo double review: both by the conference organizers and by recommended scientific journals of various levels (RSCI, HAC, SCOPUS). After the first review, authors will be offered publication in a specific magazine. The article must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of this magazine.

Only original articles containing new scientific results that have never been published in other publications (including conference proceedings, journals, etc.) are accepted for publication. All articles must be of scientific interest to the global community. The article must be at least 6 pages in length. All articles undergo plagiarism check (the originality must be at least 75%). The articles must be related to the main conference topics.

The number of article authors is not limited. One of them must be identified as the Corresponding Author. The article should be prepared in DOC (or DOCX) format.

Structure of a Research Paper (IMRaD Format):

  • Title
  • Authors
  • Keywords
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgements (optional section)
  • References

Scientific committee:

  1. Petrochenko Marina - PhD, Director of the Civil Engineering Institute, SPbPU, (Russia);
  2. Kozinets Galina - D.Sc. (Eng.), Director of the Higher School of Hydrotechnical and Power Engineering, SPbPU, (Russia);
  3. Lazarev Yuri - D.Sc. (Eng.), Director of the Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction, SPbPU, (Russia);
  4. Andreev Andrei - PhD, Director of the Higher School of Technosphere Safety, SPbPU, (Russia);
  5. Perkova Margarita – Doctor of Architecture, Director of the Higher School of Design and Architecture, SPbPU, (Russia);
  6. Uspenskaya Maya – D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor of the Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction, SPbPU, (Russia);
  7. Lalin Vladimir – D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor of the Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction, SPbPU, (Russia);
  8. Politaeva Natalya – D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor of the Higher School of Hydraulic and Energy Construction, SPbPU, (Russia);
  9. Rybakov Vladimir – D.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction, SPbPU, (Russia);
  10. Elistratov Viktor – D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor of the Higher School of Hydraulic and Energy Construction, SPbPU, (Russia);
  11. Zaitsev Oleg – D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor of the Department of Infrastructure Energy Systems of Southwestern State University, (Russia);
  12. Kornienko Sergey – D.Sc. (Eng.), Head of the Department of “Architecture of Buildings and Structures” of Volgograd State Technical University, (Russia);
  13. Golushkova Olga – PhD, Dean of the Сivil Engineering Faculty of the Belarusian-Russian University, (Republic of Belarus);
  14. Fomin Nikita – PhD, Director of the Institute of Construction and Architecture, Head of the Department of Industrial, Civil Construction and Real Estate Expertise of the Ural Federal University, (Russia);
  15. Li Zhihua - Vice Director of Office of International Affairs, Professor of School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology (China);
  16. Li Xiaolong - Executive Dean of College of Urban Development and Modern Transportation, Professor of Urban Planning, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology (China);
  17. Akkoziev Emil - Professor of the Department of Non-traditional and Renewable Energy Sources, D.Sc. (Eng.), Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B. N. Yeltsin (Kyrgyzstan);
  18. Frolova Galina - PhD, Head of the Department of Water Resources and Engineering Disciplines, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B. N. Yeltsin (Kyrgyzstan);
  19. Mukhammadiev Muradulla - Professor of the Department of Hydraulics and Hydropower Engineering, D.Sc. (Eng.), Tashkent state technical University named after Islam Karimov (Uzbekistan);
  20. Gadzhiev Mukhlis - Professor, Head of the Department of Building Constructions, D.Sc. (Eng.), Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (Azerbaijan);
  21. Gasanov Elgiz  - PhD, Assoc. Prof., Acting Dean of the Faculty of Water Management and Engineering Communication Systems, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (Azerbaijan);
  22. Diakité Sine - Professor, Director of the Higher Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning (Guinea Republic) ;
  23. Daou Esaii - Professor, Rector of the University of Segou (Mali);
  24. Bezzazi Boudjeme - Professor, Rector of Tahri Mohammed University (Algeria).

Organizing Committee:

  1. Petrochenko M.V. – Director of the Civil Engineering Institute;
  2. Andreev A.V. – Director of the Higher School of Technosphere Safety;
  3. Kozinets G.L. – Director of the Higher School Hydrotechnical and Power Engineering;
  4. Lazarev Yu.G. – Director of the Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction;
  5. Perkova M.V. – Director of the Higher School of Design and Architecture;
  6. Romanov M.V. – Associate Professor of the Higher School Hydrotechnical and Power Engineering;
  7. Issa Togo – Associate Professor of the Higher School Hydrotechnical and Power Engineering;
  8. Koryakovtseva T.A. – Associate Professor of the Higher School of Hydrotechnical and Power Engineering;
  9. Zotov D.K. – Leading Programmer of the Higher School of Hydrotechnical and Power Engineering;
  10. Linnik E.A. – Assistant of the Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction, Editor-in-Chief - Editorial Board of the "Engineering and Construction Journal";
  11. Zanina A.D. – Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction;
  12. Panfilov A.A. – Associate Professor, Higher School of Hydrotechnical and Power Engineering;
  13. Stolyarov O.N. – Associate Professor, Higher School of Hydrotechnical and Power Engineering;
  14. Gamayunova O.S. – Associate Professor, Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction;
  15. Zavodnova E.B. – Senior Lecturer, Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction;
  16. Bokovaya N.N. – Lead Engineer, Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction;
  17. Zanin D.I. – Programmer, Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction.

Important dates and Deadlines

March 15, 2025
Submission deadline
until March 16, 2025 as a speaker and until March 25, 2025 as a listener
Registration of speakers and listeners
until April 1, 2025
Acceptance of report presentations

Final presentations should be sent by e-mails: musorina_t@spbstu.ru or ice.nauka@spbstu.ru

Certificates are issued to the conference participants only (speakers or authors of an article)